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Wiking - 095104 - Vehicle, Tractor, Lanz Bulldog 8506 - Agricultural Vehicles

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N Scale - Wiking - 095104 - Vehicle, Tractor, Lanz Bulldog 8506 - Agricultural Vehicles Image Courtesy of Wiking
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Stock Number095104
Original Retail Price12.99€
Body StyleWiking Vehicle Agricultural
PrototypeVehicle, Tractor, Lanz Bulldog 8506
Road or Company NameAgricultural Vehicles (Details)
Reporting MarksLanz Bulldog 8506 Tractor
Paint Color(s)Black & Red
Print Color(s)Gold
Release Date2024-10-01
Item CategoryVehicles
Model TypeAgricultural
Model SubtypeTractor
Model VarietyLanz Bulldog 8506
EAN/JAN/GTIN13 Number4006190951043

Specific Item Information: The 1:160-scale miniature version of the Lanz Bulldog 8506 keeps on running. It is a prime example of how a long-standing hit in the 1:87-scale selection can be turned into an N-gauge favourite! The Bulldog is considered the great agricultural machinery classic in German tractor history and still manages to occupy the centre of attention and attract large crowds at today’s tractor conventions.
Road Name History:
Agricultural machinery is machinery used in farming or other agriculture. There are many types of such equipment, from hand tools and power tools to tractors and the countless kinds of farm implements that they tow or operate. Diverse arrays of equipment are used in both organic and nonorganic farming.
Brand/Importer Information:
Friedrich Karl Peltzer was born on February 5, 1903 in Berlin. As the son of an officer of the Kaiserliche Marine [Imperial German Navy], he encountered seafaring at a very early age. Therefore it is no great surprise that he was soon interested in model shipbuilding. He impressed friends and family with his astounding dexterity and attention to detail. It was the starting point for an aspiring company, whose foundation admittedly still took almost three decades longer.

Friedrich Peltzer is a publisher who issues the magazine “Das Tier” [The Animal]. However, the year 1932 became the year of vocational change for him. Professional model making kicks off in this year. A short time later, Peltzer sells his magazine and book publishing house to concentrate on model making. It was to become the route to success. The profession evolved from Friedrich Karl Peltzer’s beloved hobby develops - WIKING-Modellbau has taken its initial steps, initial ship models using the company’s preferred scale of 1:1250 arise from the first forms. Friedrich Peltzer states the foundation year himself – the young company waited a while before making an entry in the companies register.

Currently, Wiking is located at SIKU//WIKING Modellwelt Schlittenbacher Str. 56a 58511 Lüdenscheid, Germany. They produce plastic vehicle models in various scales of very high quality.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2024-11-21 15:33:47

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