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Bachmann - 19704 - Stock Car, 40 Foot, Steel - North Pole Express - 12014

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HO Scale - Bachmann - 19704 - Stock Car, 40 Foot, Steel - North Pole Express - 12014
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Brand/ImporterBachmann (Details)
ManufacturerBachmann (Details)
Stock Number19704
Original Retail Price$38.00
Country of ManufactureChina
Image CreditLink
Body StyleBachmann Stock Car 40 Foot Animated
Prototype VehicleStock Car, 40 Foot, Steel (Details)
Road/Company NameNorth Pole Express (Details)
Road Letters/Reporting MarkNP&S
Road/Reporting Number12014
Insignia/Markings/SloganReindeer Transport
Paint Color(s)Green and Red
Print Color(s)Gold
Coupler TypeE-Z Mate Mark II Magnetic Knuckle
Wheel-Set Type/ConstructionChemically Blackened Metal
Wheel ProfileRP25
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeBoxcar
Model Subtype40 Foot
Model VarietySteel

Body Style Information: Enjoy the fun action as four cow heads peek through windows on both sides as car moves around the track. The car also features sliding doors, metal wheels, and E-Z MateĀ® Mark II couplers.
Prototype Information:
Alonzo Mather, a Chicago clothing merchant who founded the Mather Stock Car Company, designed a new stock car in 1880 that was among the first to include amenities for feeding and watering the animals while en route. Mather was awarded a gold medal in 1883 by the American Humane Association for the humane treatment afforded to animals in his stock cars. Minneapolis' Henry C. Hicks patented a convertible boxcar/stock car in 1881, which was improved in 1890 with features that included a removable double deck. George D. Burton of Boston introduced his version of the humane stock car in 1882, which was placed into service the following year. The Burton Stock Car Company's design provided sufficient space so as to allow the animals to lie down in transit on a bed of straw.

Steel stock cars were in general use after the Second World War when steel became readily available.

From Wikipedia
Brand/Importer Information:
Bachmann Industries (Bachmann Brothers, Inc.) is a Bermuda registered Chinese owned company, globally headquartered in Hong Kong; specialising in model railroading.

Founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the home of its North American headquarters, Bachmann is today part of the Kader group, who model products are made at a Chinese Government joint-venture plant in Dongguan, China. Bachmann's brand is the largest seller, in terms of volume, of model trains in the world.[citation needed] Bachmann primarily specializes in entry level train sets, and premium offerings in many scales. The Spectrum line is the high quality, model railroad product line, offered in N, HO, Large Scale, On30, and Williams O gauge all aimed for the hobbyist market. Bachmann is the producer of the famous railroad village product line known as "Plasticville." The turnover for Bachmann model trains for the year ended 31 December 2006 was approximately $46.87 million, a slight increase of 3.36% as compared to 2005.
Manufacturer Information: Bachmann Industries (Bachmann Brothers, Inc.) is a Bermuda registered Chinese owned company, globally headquartered in Hong Kong; specialising in model railroading.

Founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the home of its North American headquarters, Bachmann is today part of the Kader group, who model products are made at a Chinese Government joint-venture plant in Dongguan, China. Bachmann's brand is the largest seller, in terms of volume, of model trains in the world.[citation needed] Bachmann primarily specializes in entry level train sets, and premium offerings in many scales. The Spectrum line is the high quality, model railroad product line, offered in N, HO, Large Scale, On30, and Williams O gauge all aimed for the hobbyist market. Bachmann is the producer of the famous railroad village product line known as "Plasticville." The turnover for Bachmann model trains for the year ended 31 December 2006 was approximately $46.87 million, a slight increase of 3.36% as compared to 2005.
Item created by: gdm on 2020-01-03 14:57:34. Last edited by gdm on 2020-01-03 14:57:47

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