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Faller - 282787 - Structure, Building, Post Office - Municipal Structures

2 of these are for sale right now on marketplaces, with a low price of: $32.99$32.99 (2)2 of these are for sale right now on marketplaces, with a low price of: $32.99
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Z Scale - Faller - 282787 - Structure, Building, Post Office - Municipal Structures Image Courtesy of Faller
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Stock Number282787
Original Retail Price29.99€
Body StyleFaller Structures
PrototypeStructure, Building, Post Office
Road or Company NameMunicipal Structures (Details)
Reporting MarksPost Office
Kit ComplexityModerate
Kit Material(s)Injection Molded Plastic
Item CategoryStructure
Model TypeBuilding
Model SubtypeMunicipal
Model VarietyPost Office

Specific Item Information: Rural building model with a light-coloured plaster façade and an attic storey with wooden cladding and dormers. There is a small post office branch on the ground floor. This building kit contains: 219 single parts in 4 colours, window foil, 1 paper mask and 1 construction instruction. Dimensions: 63 x 46 x 60 mm
Road Name History:
Municipal structures are buildings and other structures dedicated to services typically provided by local government and other community organizations. These will include, Fire Departments, Police Stations and Hospitals as well as other facilities.

Models of these structures may include kits as well as pre-assembled buildings. The models may be painted or undecorated.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2021-11-30 10:27:21. Last edited by CNW400 on 2021-11-30 10:27:22

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