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Rapido Trains UK - 961010-C - Covered Wagon, Iron Mink, 10-Ton - Blue Circle Industries - 208

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N Scale - Rapido Trains UK - 961010-C - Covered Wagon, Iron Mink, 10-Ton - Blue Circle Industries - 208 Image Courtesy of Rapido Trains
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Production TypeAnnounced
Stock Number961010-C
BrandRapido Trains UK
ManufacturerRapido Trains UK
Body StyleRapido Covered Wagon Iron Mink
PrototypeCovered Wagon, Iron Mink, 10-Ton
Road or Company NameBlue Circle Industries (Details)
Road or Reporting Number208
Paint Color(s)Yellow with Silver Roof
Print Color(s)White, Blue & Black
Paint SchemeFantasy Scheme
Additional Markings/SloganPortland Cement
Coupler TypeRapido Hook NEM Standard Pocket
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeNickel-Silver Plated Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Multipack Count3
Multipack ID Number961010
Multipack Element3
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeCovered Wagon
Model Subtype10-Ton
Model VarietyMetal, Iron Mink
Track GaugeN standard

Specific Item Information: Road Numbers: Wagon 1 – Ferrocrete No.262 (end vents, double sided 4-shoe brakes and standard doors) Wagon 2 – BPCM No.168 (end vents, double sided 4-shoe brakes and standard doors) Wagon 3 – Blue Circle No.208 (end vents, double sided 4-shoe brakes and standard doors)
Road Name History:
Blue Circle Industries was a British public company manufacturing cement. It was founded in 1900 as the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd through the fusion of 24 cement works, mostly located on the Thames and Medway estuaries, together having around a 70% market share of the British cement market. In 1911 the British Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd. was formed by the addition of a further 35 companies, creating a company with an initial 80% of the British cement market.

Subsequently, the company expanded overseas, predominately into commonwealth countries and South and Central America. The energy crisis of the 1970 caused the contraction of the company, and the sale of its overseas plants. In 1978 the company officially changed its name to Blue Circle. In 2001 the company was bought by Lafarge.

From Wikipedia
Item created by: CNW400 on 2024-01-11 15:57:58

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