Peter Max Prints Online Catalog

Limited Edition Prints

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Total Records: 6
Rows per page:
Image Year Name Series Medium Market ID
1985 Statue of Liberty - #6 Mezzotint on Paper
E: 899.99    H: 9.95
E:      : Available for purchase on marketplaces
H:      : Historical data available
I:      : Collector valuation available
C:: Available for purchase on TroveStar Classified Ad
1985 Statue of Liberty - #5 Mezzotint on Paper
E:      : Available for purchase on marketplaces
H:      : Historical data available
I:      : Collector valuation available
C:: Available for purchase on TroveStar Classified Ad
1985 Statue of Liberty - #4 Mezzotint on Paper
E:      : Available for purchase on marketplaces
H:      : Historical data available
I:      : Collector valuation available
C:: Available for purchase on TroveStar Classified Ad
1985 Statue of Liberty - #3 Mezzotint on Paper
E:      : Available for purchase on marketplaces
H:      : Historical data available
I:      : Collector valuation available
C:: Available for purchase on TroveStar Classified Ad
1985 Statue of Liberty - #2 Mezzotint on Paper
E:      : Available for purchase on marketplaces
H:      : Historical data available
I:      : Collector valuation available
C:: Available for purchase on TroveStar Classified Ad
1985 Statue of Liberty - #1 Mezzotint on Paper
E:      : Available for purchase on marketplaces
H:      : Historical data available
I:      : Collector valuation available
C:: Available for purchase on TroveStar Classified Ad
Total Records: 6
Rows per page: