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N Scale Model Trains Database

Classic Metal Works

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N-Scale Model Trains

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N-Scale Train Modeling is a hobby concerned with the recreation, display and operation of railway equipment in miniature. N-Scale is sometimes also referred to as N-Gauge.

N-Scale is a group of similar dimensional relationships including (but not limited to) 1/160, 1/150 and 1/148. All share in common a railroad gauge of 9mm (0.354 in). The earliest model trains to use this scale were made by Lone Star in the United Kingdom in their OOO (Treble-O) line. Interestingly, the Lone Star models use a dimensional relationship of 1/152. The first models to use a 1/160 scale were made by Arnold of Germany in the 1960s. The most common dimensional relationship in the United States and Europe is 1/160. Japanese manufacturers make a mix of 1/150 and 1/160 products but for the most part use 1/150. Model manufacturers in the United Kingdom prefer 1/148.

When it comes to track, N Scale always uses a standard 9mm distance between the two rails. The track height, however, can vary. Common heights are 0.08 inches high (Code 80) and 0.055 inches (Code 55). For narrow gauge modelers, track is 6.5mm between the rails (Z-Scale), but the dimensional ratio of the models is still typically 1/160, 1/150 or 1/148.

Worldwide, N Scale is the second most popular model railroading Scale after HO, but in certain geographical regions (Japan in particular) it exceeds even HO in popularity.

Database N Scale Model Trains has 117767 Items

Top Contributors (30 day)

CNW400 449
nscalestation 63
grothe77 27
mitelman 16
thundergreytundra 6

Body Style

Database Count
All Items 347
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Buick Estate Wagon 10
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Chevrolet Bel Air 1955 3
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Chevrolet Fleetline 1951 2
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Chevrolet Impala 1978 7
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Dodge Coronet 1956 4
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Dodge Coronet 1950 2
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Dodge Meadowbrook 1950 7
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Ford 1941-48 2
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Ford 1952-54 1
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Ford Courier 6
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Ford Country Squire 10
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Ford Custom 11
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Ford Fairlane 15
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Ford Galaxie 2
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Ford Hearse 1
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Hudson Hornet 1951 2
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Mercury 1949 2
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Plymouth P12 1
↠ Classic Metal Works Auto Plymouth P20/DeSoto Deluxe 9
↠ Classic Metal Works Billboard 3
↠ Classic Metal Works Bus GMC 11
↠ Classic Metal Works Panel Van Ford 48 4
↠ Classic Metal Works Pickup Ford 50 1
↠ Classic Metal Works Pickup Ford 54 20
↠ Classic Metal Works Trailer Fruehauf Aero-Van 17
↠ Classic Metal Works Trailer 32 Foot Flat 4
↠ Classic Metal Works Tractor Trailer Ford 54 20
↠ Classic Metal Works Tractor Trailer IH R190 37
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Box Van Ford 54 17
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Box Van IH R190 24
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Box Van White WC22 9
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Box Van COE White 3000 2
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Cab White 3000 1
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Cab White WC22 14
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Dump White 3000 2
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Flatbed Ford 1954 4
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Flatbed IH R190 5
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Flatbed White WC22 4
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Bottle Ford 1954 2
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Fuel F-700 13
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Fuel IH R190 9
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Fuel White 3000 1
↠ Classic Metal Works Garbage Truck Ford 54 3
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Stake Ford 51 3
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Hi-Rail Ford 1954 13
↠ Classic Metal Works Truck Utility Box Ford 1954 3
↠ Classic Metal Works Van Metro 4