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Z Scale Model Trains Database

Rolling Stock (Freight), Container, Intermodal

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Z-Scale Model Trains

Z-Scale is a dimensional relationships of 1/220. All share in common a railroad gauge of 6.5mm (0.256 in). Z-Scale Train Modeling is a hobby concerned with the recreation, display and operation of railway equipment in miniature. Z-Scale is sometimes also referred to as Z-Gauge. Z scale (1:220) was introduced by the Märklin company in 1972, and is one of the smallest commercially available model railway scales.

Z scale trains operate on 0-10 volts direct current and offer the same operating characteristics as all other two-rail, direct-current, analog model railways. Locomotives can be fitted with digital decoders for independent control. Model trains, track, structures, and human/animal figures are readily available in European, North American, and Japanese styles from a variety of manufacturers. Originally running on 8 Volts DC, track voltage was increased to 10 Volts DC around the year 2000. Accessory power has always been 10 Volts AC.

Database Z Scale Trains has 9028 Items

Top Contributors (30 day)

CNW400 15
gbhoffman 1

Model Variety

Database Count
All Items 72
↠ 12 Foot 3
↠ 12 Foot, U19A 10
↠ 12 Foot, UR19A 3
↠ 20 Foot, 30A 3
↠ 20 Foot, Corrugated 5
↠ 20 Foot, Corrugated, U30B 1
↠ 20 Foot, Corrugated, U32A 1
↠ 20 Foot, Corrugated, U40A 1
↠ 20 Foot, Corrugated, UC7 1
↠ 31 Foot, Ecoliner 4
↠ 31 Foot, U47A 2
↠ 31 Foot, U48A 3
↠ 31 Foot, U51A 1
↠ 40 Foot Corrugated 14
↠ 40 Foot, Corrugated 18
↠ 53 Foot 2