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G Scale Model Trains Database

Rolling Stock (Freight), Ore Car, Double Hopper

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Large scale or G scale (45 mm or 1+3⁄4 inches, G gauge) is a track gauge for model railways which, because of its size and durability, is often used outdoors. These garden railways use a fixed track gauge of 45 millimeters (1.75 in) to represent a range of rail transport modelling scales between narrow gauge (~1:13‒1:19‒1:20), metre gauge (1:22.5), Playmobil trains (~1:24), and standard gauge (~1:29–1:32).[3] These scales all use the same track and wheel profiles, allowing different scales of models to be operated together.

G scale was introduced by Ernst Paul Lehmann Patentwerk under the brand name LGB and was intended for indoor and outdoor use. Lehman Patentwerk, founded in 1881, started producing LGB in 1968. The remains of the company were bought by Märklin and production of certain items continues.

The G name comes from the German word groß meaning "big". More recently some people have come to interpret it as standing for "garden scale".

Database G Scale Model Trains has 13 Items

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All Items 1
↠ Bucket Ore on Flatcar 1