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Leonardo da Vinci

Axis & Allies War at Sea - Leonardo da Vinci
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General TypeSubmarine
Unit TypeSubmarine
SetCondition Zebra
Set ID30
Game Class LimitsMarconi
CountryItaly (Details)
PrototypeLeonardo da Vinci (Submarine) (Details)
ClassMarconi (Details)
Hull Points2
Special AbilityFighting Instinct
Special AbilitySubmerged Shot
Game RarityC
Axis & Allies War at Sea - Leonardo da Vinci
18  of these sold for an average price of: 1.231.2318 of these sold for an average price of: 1.23
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Collectors value this item at an average of 1.231.23Collectors value this item at an average of 1.23
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This item is not for sale. This is a reference database.

Leonardo da Vinci (pennant number LV)[1] was launched 16 September 1939. da Vinci sailed on 22 September 1940 and passed the Strait of Gibraltar on 27 September for an Atlantic patrol to Bordeaux on 31 October. After unsuccessful patrols from 21 December to 20 January 1941 and from 4 April to 4 May, da Vinci sank one ship on its third BETASOM patrol. After another unsuccessful patrol from 15 August to 24 September, da Vinci sank two ships during Operation Neuland and four ships on the following patrol. After being modified to carry a midget submarine, da Vinci sailed without the midget submarine and sank four ships. Sailing again without the midget submarine, da Vinci sank six ships on its last patrol. While attempting to return to Bordeaux, da Vinci was sunk on 23 May 1943 by the escorts of convoy KMF 15. There were no survivors. Leonardo da Vinci became the top scoring non-German submarine of the entire war.
Class History:
The Marconi class was a class of six submarines built for the Royal Italian Navy (Italian: Regia Marina). The submarines were all launched between 1939 and 1940, and all but one, Luigi Torelli, were lost in the Atlantic during the Second World War.
Italy, a European country with a long Mediterranean coastline, has left a powerful mark on Western culture and cuisine. Its capital, Rome, is home to the Vatican as well as landmark art and ancient ruins. Other major cities include Florence, with Renaissance masterpieces such as Michelangelo’s "David" and Brunelleschi's Duomo; Venice, the city of canals; and Milan, Italy’s fashion capital.
Item created by: Lethe on 2015-05-31 17:46:30. Last edited by gdm on 2019-10-13 18:00:02

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