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AZL - 62410-1 - Locomotive, Diesel, GE ES44AC - Citirail - 1204

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Z Scale - AZL - 62410-1 - Locomotive, Diesel, GE ES44AC - Citirail - 1204 Image Courtesy of AZL
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Stock Number62410-1
Original Retail Price$230.00
Body StyleAZL Diesel Engine GE ES44AC
PrototypeLocomotive, Diesel, GE ES44AC
Road or Company NameCitirail (Details)
Reporting MarksCREX
Road or Reporting Number1204
Paint Color(s)Grey with Blue & Yellow
Print Color(s)Blue
Coupler TypeAZL AutoLatch
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
DCC ReadinessDCC-Ready
Release Date2018-04-01
Item CategoryLocomotive
Model TypeDiesel
Model SubtypeGE
Model VarietyES44AC

Road Name History:
Citicorp Railmark Inc. (trading as Citirail Express) (reporting mark CREX) is a company that leases locomotives to railroads as needed. The company is a subsidiary of Citibank, which itself is a division of Citigroup. It was formerly known as Citicorp Aerolease, and was first formed on May 13, 1970.
Brand/Importer Information:
AZL is the leader in North American Z scale locomotives and rolling stock. Since 2000, AZL has released a vast variety of freight, passenger and locomotives. AZL continues to push the boundaries of Z scale with amazing details and incredible performance. No matter if you are looking to run steam, or the most modern diesels, AZL has something for you.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2021-08-09 10:32:49. Last edited by CNW400 on 2021-08-09 10:32:50

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