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Rapido Trains - 508008 - Passenger Car, LRC, Lightweight Coach - Undecorated

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N Scale - Rapido Trains - 508008 - Passenger Car, LRC, Lightweight Coach - Undecorated Image Courtesy of Rapido Trains
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Stock Number508008
Original Retail Price$69.95
BrandRapido Trains
ManufacturerRapido Trains
Body StyleRapido Passenger Car LRC Coach
PrototypePassenger Car, LRC, Lightweight Coach
Road or Company NameUndecorated (Details)
Paint Color(s)Green & Silver with Yellow Stripes
Print Color(s)White & Yellow
Paint SchemeVia Canada Coach
Coupler TypeMT Magne-Matic Knuckle
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeNickel-Silver Plated Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypePassenger
Model SubtypeLRC
Model VarietyLightweight Coach

Road Name History:
Although they may be molded in color, unpainted and unlettered, undecorated products are marketed to modelers who seek to custom decorate their models for private roads and/or road and/or company names that were not commercially produced by any of the major manufacturers.

Undecorated models are frequently also unassembled or only partially assembled and required modelers to be comfortable with glue, paint and sometimes solder in order to prepare their models for display. Materials for these models can vary but often include plastic, pewter and resin. Models may or may not come with decals or other decorations such as plastic signage, railings and ladders to enhance the appearance of the final product.

Brand/Importer Information:
Rapido Trains Inc. is a high-end manufacturer of model trains and accessories in HO, OO and N (North American 1:160 and British 1:148) scales. The firm's mission is to recreate the entire rail travel experience, from fully-detailed interiors and under-frames on models to fully-wired telephone poles for model railroads.

The name RAPIDO was introduced by Canadian National in 1965 to headline the railway's high-speed intercity passenger services. Until the mid-1980s, RAPIDO stood for fast schedules, frequent trains, and superb service.

Today, Rapido Trains continues the RAPIDO concept with state-of-the-art models and attention to fine detail. This company is not related to the venerable (and now defunct) German manufacturer Arnold Rapido, nor the present-day Arnold (which is owned by the United Kingdom's Hornby), Canadian based Rapido Trains was founded in 2003.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2022-05-31 20:12:11

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