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LBF Company - 5804 - Gondola, Trinity, Aeroflow - Luscar - 48 Numbers Available

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N Scale - LBF Company - 5804 - Gondola, Trinity, Aeroflow - Luscar - 48 Numbers Available
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Stock Number5804
Original Retail Price$18.95
BrandLBF Company
ManufacturerLBF Company
Body StyleE&C Gondola Coalporter
PrototypeGondola, Trinity, Aeroflow
Road or Company NameLuscar (Details)
Reporting MarksLUSX
Road or Reporting Number48 Numbers Available
Paint Color(s)Silver with Teal End
Print Color(s)Black & White
Coupler TypeMT Magne-Matic Knuckle
Coupler MountTruck-Mount
Wheel TypeInjection Molded Plastic
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeGondola
Model SubtypeAeroflow
Model VarietyCoalporter

Model Information: These models come with optional, user-installed weights and internal bracing.
Road Name History:
Luscar is a ghost town in west-central Alberta, Canada that was once a coal mining community. It was in the foothills of the Northern Rockies about 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) northwest of Cadomin along the Bighorn Highway (Highway 40), at the end of the CN Railway line.From Wikipedia
Brand/Importer Information:
The LBF company was based in Roseburg Oregon founded by Fred Becker. LBF was the successor company to E&C Shops, also founded by Becker. LBF also did business under the name USA Plastics. USA Plastics/LBF opened for business in 1993. They produced N Scale models using toolings purchased from the E&C Company. Later, in 1998, LBF folded and the toolings were sold to Hubert's Model RR Manufacturing group which was also located in Roseburg. Hubert had been one of Becker's partners in LBF/USA Plastics. Later, when Hubert's operation folded, the toolings were acquired by InterMountain.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2023-11-28 14:26:56. Last edited by CNW400 on 2023-11-28 14:46:14

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